by Jenni Metcalfe | Feb 17, 2013 | Projects
Client Grains Research & Development Corporation What we did We wrote numerous feature articles for GRDC’s bi-monthly Ground Cover magazine. Ground Cover provides technical information for grain growers, including updates on research, trials, new varieties,... by Econnect | Jan 24, 2013 | Projects
The first Australian national audit of science engagement activities recorded information about 411 different activities that aim to engage ordinary people with science between January 2011 and June 2013. We’ve turned the results into an interactive visual national... by Econnect | Dec 30, 2012 | Projects
Client Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge What we did We summarised the 15-page, 5000-word research report ‘Alluvial Gully Erosion: A Dominant Erosion Process Across Tropical Northern Australia’ into a 4-page, 1400-word plain-English document for land... by Econnect | Dec 30, 2012 | Projects
Client Queensland Government (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) The volume and location of water that is expected to be extracted as a by-product of extracting coal seam gas is a hot topic in Queensland. As part of the Healthy HeadWaters coal seam gas water... by Econnect | Dec 17, 2012 | Projects
Client Grains Research & Development Corporation What we did We wrote plain-English summaries of 42 climate-related projects. We then synthesised the 42 project summaries into 16 fact sheets for farmers. We organised a National Press Club event at which the Top... by Econnect | Nov 27, 2012 | Projects
Managing Climate Variability, 2006–2016 We have been supporting the national Managing Climate Variability program for the past 10 years. At the outset, in close consultation with Land & Water Australia and program partners, we researched and consolidated messages,...