Managing Climate Variability, 2006–2016
We have been supporting the national Managing Climate Variability program for the past 10 years.
At the outset, in close consultation with Land & Water Australia and program partners, we researched and consolidated messages, and developed tailored communication strategies and tools to help the program achieve its objectives.
We produced an informational program brochure and we continue to publish project fact sheets and manage web content for the program’s website: Managing Climate Variability.
We write stories for the program’s newsletter, Climag, and manage the complete publication process, from generating story ideas to creating the final web-ready newsletter.
Through links we have developed with relevant media channels, we share stories about the program’s research with a view to increasing farmers’ uptake of climate risk management.
Working closely with the Bureau of Meteorology, we analysed the needs of farmers and natural resource managers for seasonal forecast tools and information on the internet. We reviewed the literature, interviewed industry visionaries face to face and ran two online surveys to get broader input. Acting on the survey findings, we conceptualised, designed the information architecture, and repurposed content for Climate Kelpie, a website that rounds up climate tools and information for Australian farmers.
Our survey findings also influenced the Bureau of Meteorology’s development of forecasting products.
Through the MCV Climate Champion program, we are supporting 20 farmers from around Australia in increasing the uptake of climate risk management. The program aims to help farmers manage increasing climate variability by:
- getting research about managing climate risk out to farmers
- informing researchers about the forecasts, tools and information that farmers need for managing climate risk.